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U+I Display Space

I was approached by the developers U+I to come up with a concept to create content for a 200 metre long display space in Central Brighton.

Developers U + I commissioned a design to be displayed whilst they built new university accommodation and creative live/work spaces.

I ran workshops with students from all years of the renowned Graphic Design and Illustration courses at the University of Brighton and all students had the opportunity to submit their work. The workshop focused on key themes of Dynamism and Structure - themes that ran through the U+I brand guidelines for the space.

The hoarding is a collage of students work spelling out key phrases that encompass the future use of the space.

Scope of work:
Conceptual Proposals
Workshop planning and briefing
Artwork of posters and final space
Commissioning Installers

Gavin Ambrose
Students from the Graphic Design and Illustration courses at the University of Brighton